Asyraf Khalid semalam bersama tunangnya Tya Ariffin baru sahaja melengkapkan satu lagi syarat untuk berkahwin iaitu, menghadiri kursus kahwin.
Melalui IGnya kami tertarik untuk berkongsi pengalaman indah mereka ketika usai kursus tersebut.
Yestersday, my Fiance and I went for Kursus Khawin. After of one our class, before a break for Magrib, One of the speaker, Ustaz Afenndi told me about his family. He has 2 wifes, that lived in the same house. That was a surprise to me at first, but when I met his children, i knew what kind of person Ustaz Afandi is. You know how people say, your children is the reflexion of you. When the kids first came to our class, i could see all of them running at the hallway to their father to give him a hug. Then each one of them came and salam all of us. Then i said 'sape nak kena lambung' and Tya and I both 'lambung' the kids. After around 5 minutes, i told them i'm tired to play, and they straight away behave. Just to distract their attention, i asked the kids to come on the sofa outside our hall, to hear one story from their father. So all of them sat with me, some on me, some on Tya. While Ustaz Afandi was telling his story, the kids were being so interactive and wanted to finish the story he started, since the kids could already memorise the stories. I find that to be amazing, bunch of kids, could remember what stories their father told them, and was excited to hear it again. Ustaz Afandi was my favourite speaker yesterday. He was funny, kind, and knowledgeable, and he brought his kids, while others didnt, big plus point. Hehe. Before going to the kursus khawin, i thought it would be boring, and a waste of time, but i found out, it was amazing, and their teachings are really good. Love it! Good way to spend time with my Fiance :-) @tyaarifinnwSememangnya, kursus kahwin pasti menyimpan pelbagai memori. Dapat pula Ustaz dan Ustazah yang sempoi, kursus anda pasti tidak akan boring.
Apa yang menariknya, Asyraf juga berkongsi video tunangnya mengalunkan bacaan Al-Quran.
Siapa sangka, artis cantik dari Palembang ini juga pandai mengaji kan?
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